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John Revilla, CA

Tim McTeague, MD (black painted kit from Wood

Marc Bernard, CO (with THOR subwoofers in corner)

Scott Julian,

Glenn Strauss, VA (custom cabinets in Pearwood by Wood

Larry Vito, +1 707-484-9486, CA (cabinet by Wood

Gustavo Alonso Gonzalez, Canary Islands

Howard Booster, CA

Pasi Puskala, Finland

Stefan Spaeth, Germany
Pascal Taranto, France

Steve Aasen, MN (Bubinga veneer)

Don Barringer, VA

Russ Button, CA (cabinet by Jason Daniels)

Built for customer by Wood
Artistry, CA
(Red sides, book matched Hard Maple for the dress panel, charcoal grill)

Michael Patterson
, CO

Monte Kay, TX

Malcolm Campbell, TX

Built for customer by Wood
Artistry, CA
(Satin black, charcoal grill)

Steve Rosenberg,
Western Australia

Edward Soler, CA (speakers are moved out of the corner for

Alex Meinema, Spain

Stanley Chew, CA

Ernest Naples, NY ("Stickley style, yet sound is

Don Naples, CA (mahogany)

Susan Ackermann's speakers by Monte Kay, AZ

Mark Lane, Australia

Marc Bernard, CO

David Kroll, TX

Mike Singleton, Canada (with 2 of 4 THOR for HT)

Steven Winegar, NC (AA Beethoven in back)

Chad Kirby, WA, "vino" (ORION inspired)

Chris Swinney, FL
(Simplified side panel with probably minor acoustic degradation)

Frank LaFond, NM

Dan Schneider, CA

Mike Chapin, WA

David Reite, WA

David Strickland, CA

Samuel Laufer's cabinet by Carleton
Woodworking, NY

Keith Urquhart, New Zealand

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