Fitz: So, what is this
all about? You come with a whole cosmology, when all I wanted was your
take on my loudspeaker Design #3.
SL: Yes, I sidetracked considerably
and will continue with your speaker design. But in the meantime we had a
Presidential Election.
Fitz: That was pretty ugly, but it also
brought to the surface what's going on in people's life's and head's.
SL: And it showed how little everyone
understands about what drives them. Why we act and respond as we do. I
wished new parents knew about the Association
Model of Perception. We program our kids for life. We have been
programmed ourselves, but live with the illusion of free will.
SL: I see Life as a Journey to
Freedom, but full of trials and decisions and yet, as
Leonard Cohen sang,
.... There is a
crack in everything. That's how the light gets in ....
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Association Model of
Attention }--
Movement --{ Perception

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